Pickleball Spin Serve: The Debate Rages On – Is It Banned in 2023?

Pickleball spin serve

One of the most important serves in Pickleball was the spin serve, which was used to change the direction of the ball and make it more difficult for the opponent to return. In this article, we will explore whether the pickleball spin serve is banned in 2023 or still allowed.

What is a Pickleball Spin Serve?

A Pickleball spin serve is a serve in which the player adds spin to the ball by striking it in a specific manner. This spin causes the ball to change direction and move more erratically, making it difficult for the opponent to return. There are several different types of spin serves in Pickleball, including topspin, backspin, and sidespin. The choice of which spin serve to use depends on the player’s skill level, the situation, and the opponent’s playing style.

The idea that you can’t apply spin to your serve is not completely true. According to the pickleball rules changes, you can apply spin to the ball BEFORE you hit it during your serve. However, spin cannot be added to the ball AFTER it is struck on the serve. This will help ensure fairness in the game.

Reason Behind Pickleball Spin Serve Ban

As of January 1, 2023, players in USA Pickleball are no longer allowed to spin the ball, even when holding it, while serving. The reason why the organization has decided to ban the spin serve is due to:

  • Its initial purpose of just beginning play
  • The difficulty of hitting and returning it
  • The need for extra court space to react to it
  • The fact that only a few players have mastered it grants them an unfair advantage
  • It is especially detrimental to amateur players.

How to Perform a Topspin Serve

The topspin serve is one of the most popular spin serves in Pickleball. To perform this serve, the player must first grip the paddle correctly. A Continental grip is recommended, as this grip allows the player to generate the most spin. Next, the player must position themselves correctly, with their feet shoulder-width apart and their body facing the net.

Once the player is in position, they should raise the paddle above their shoulder and then strike the ball with a sweeping motion, brushing the ball from high to low. This sweeping motion is what generates the topspin. It’s important to use enough arm strength and wrist snap to generate enough spin to make the ball change direction when it hits the ground.

How to Perform a Backspin Serve

The backspin serve is another popular spin serve in Pickleball. This serve involves striking the ball with the paddle in such a way that it generates backspin, causing the ball to spin backwards as it moves through the air. To perform a backspin serve, the player must first grip the paddle correctly, using a Continental grip or a similar grip that allows for plenty of wrist movement.

Next, the player must position themselves correctly, with their feet shoulder-width apart and their body facing the net. Once the player is in position, they should raise the paddle above their shoulder and then strike the ball with a slicing motion, brushing the ball from low to high. This slicing motion is what generates the backspin. It’s essential to use enough arm strength and wrist snap to generate enough spin to make the ball change direction when it hits the ground. Watch this video if you still want a clear idea of defending from a backspin serve. How to defend from a backspin server.

How to Perform a Sidespin Serve

The sidespin serve is another popular spin serve in Pickleball. This serve involves striking the ball with the paddle in such a way that it generates sidespin, causing the ball to spin sideways as it moves through the air. To perform a sidespin serve, the player must first grip the paddle correctly, using a Continental grip or a similar grip that allows for plenty of wrist movement.

Next, the player must position themselves correctly, with their feet shoulder-width apart and their body facing the net. Once the player is in position, they should raise the paddle above their shoulder and then strike the ball with a twisting motion, brushing the ball from one side to the other. This twisting motion is what generates the sidespin. It’s important to use enough arm strength and wrist snap to generate enough spin to make the ball change direction when it hits the ground.


Starting in 2023, a spin server is allowed, but only if the player imparts spin on the ball using their paddle, not their hand or fingers. This change was made from the previous year when pre-spun serves were permissible.

The server must not use any part of their body to alter the ball’s trajectory before serving.

If you give the ball a spin before releasing it from your hand, it is considered a re-serve that is not legal now. However, you can still apply topspin, slice, etc., as long as all other serve rules are followed.

Final Verdict

Though the idea that you cannot apply pickleball spin serve is not completely true. According to the pickleball rules changes, you are allowed to spin the ball BEFORE you hit it during your serve; however, spin cannot be added to the ball AFTER it is struck on the serve. This will help ensure the game’s fairness while allowing spin to be applied to the ball before the serve.

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